Our experienced multi-lingual sales team is ready to support you and, with specialists covering all our major product lines, we are not mere number-takers but are here to help and talk aviation in your language.
Contact Our Team

Richard Turner – Senior Sales – Territory Leader - APAC
+44 (0)1293 459646rturner@adamsaviation.com
Special Missions Product SpecialistRest of the world
Steve Handyside – Sales – Territory Leader – Sub Saharan Africa
01293 459645aviation@adamsaviation.com
Adams Aviation Supply Company Ltd.
Aeropia House, 2 Kelvin Lane, Newton Rd, Crawley, RH10 9TY
“Aviation” in your language:
“Aéronautique” dans votre langue:
“Luftfahrt” in ihrer sprache:
“Aviazione” nella vostra lingua:
“Aviacion” en su lengua:
"Lotnictwo” w twoim jezyku:
"Luftfart" på ditt språk:
"Letectví” ve vašem jazyc:
"Repülés” az Ön nyelvén:
"Letenie“ vo vašom jazyku:
Our support team is there for you, and happy to help if you need assistance, speaking Aviation In Your Language.
We are pleased to offer AOG support out of normal working hours.
In case of AOG please call: +44 (0)1689 808979.
Please check stock on-line to make sure we have what you need before you call, as outside UK office hours premium charges may apply.
You can also contact us by completing the following form.
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